Essential Oils

Lessen Hot Flash Symptoms During Menopause, Lifestyle Changes & Natural Remedies

What is Menopause?

Menopause is a time in all women’s lives when estrogen wanes and we go through “The Change”. It is a time to embrace our season in life and be grateful for all that has been and all that is to come. For many, it is a time when we are most comfortable with ourselves and we can embrace who we are without the worry that comes with thinking of what others think of us. To put it quite bluntly…we simply don’t give a hoot anymore about any of the trivial nonsensical things that took up a lot of space for us when we were younger. To be sure, it’s a time of softening into who we are. Indeed, it is a celebration.

Unfortunately, for many women, there is no free pass. Going through the change during menopause can potentially bring on some uncomfortable symptoms. Sleeplessness, lack of libido, and hot flashes are the top of the list of troublesome things women sometimes endure. These sensations liken to feelings of ‘drying up’. Unfortunately, this can be emotionally distressing for many who think of the change as losing their youth. However, these physical symptoms can be lessened with a few lifestyle changes and a couple of good essential oil and herbal additions to your routines.

Natural Remedies to Lessen Hot Flashes During Menopause

Take a few steps to help your symptoms and always remember, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Menopause…What’s a Girl to Do?

So let’s look at a few things that you can do to lessen the severity and hopefully the number of hot flashes you will have. 

Lifestyle Changes

  • Don’t Smoke –  Smoking has been linked to so many health issues. One thing to be aware of is that smoking can bring on hot flashes and intensify the uncomfortable symptoms. So try to quit. In spite of the fact that it’s a wicked addiction, quitting will make you feel better and lessen your risk of other serious health conditions down the road. 
  • Lose Weight – Obesity and overweight women tend to have a harder time during menopause with hot flashes. Due to this fact losing weight will help.

Have I lost you yet?

Quitting smoking and losing weight are the most challenging to overcome. They’re the ones that are the absolute hardest to change.

But keep reading, the rest are not so bad. 

  • Food ChoicesHot flashes are triggered by caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and spicy foods. Pay attention to when you have symptoms and what you were ingesting before the symptoms came on. It might be helpful to keep a food diary and track the occurrences to see if there are any specific triggers for you. 
  • Keep Cool – Dress like an onion. In other words, wear light layers that can be removed as the heat comes over you. When your internal body temperature rises you are more prone to having a hot flash. So turn on the air conditioning, use a fan or open windows for air circulation. Maybe sip on a cool drink. 
  • Relax – Hot flashes can be triggered by stress so try to keep your stress at bay. Try practicing breathing exercises, meditation & prayer, and getting out in nature to help lower stress. Also try soaking in a warm bath, get a massage, or call your best friend. You know the friend who makes you laugh? Call that one. 

Essential oils can soothe your mind and lessen hot flash symptoms during menopause.

Essential Oils

Sandalwood Essential Oil is very soothing and calming. It has been shown to calm hot flashes and slow racing heart palpitations. 

Lavender Essential Oil is also very calming. While it doesn’t help with hot flashes it is good to use for dryness that can lead to painful sex. If you mix a few drops of lavender essential oil with coconut oil to use as a lubricant you’ll find that there will be less pain. Do I hear Barry White in the background?

Medicinal herbs can relieve hot flashes during menopause.


Dong Quai is known as “female ginseng”. Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries, it treats period pain, premenstrual pain, perimenopause, and menopause symptoms. While not all women report relief from hot flashes using Dong Quai it has been shown to be helpful for some. Additionally, it’s an enriching and nourishing herb for your body and increases the quality of your blood. (1)

Red Clover has been known to reduce hot flash symptoms in some women also. Women have reported a reduction in intensity and frequency with use. Red clover has phytoestrogen compounds which explains its ability to balance the system. Once upon a time, it was believed that Red Clovers’ phytoestrogen properties could be problematic with increasing estrogen levels in women who are struggling with female cancers and other estrogen-induced diseases. It seems that these concerns have been put to rest as there hasn’t been any real evidence to support these concerns. Definitely talk with your doctor before using red clover if you have any conditions that are estrogenic in nature. (2)

Black Cohosh acts on human opiate receptors which play a role in regulating body temperature. Studies on black cohosh however have had inconsistent results in helping to relieve hot flashes. (3)

Top 10 Remedies for Hot Flashes

Taking a few steps to nurture your body and paying attention to the signals it sends will go a long way in helping with the transition, dare I say it?, to the best stage of our lives. This is the good part ladies. The season of rejuvenating our spirits and handing the Grandkids back. And that’s really what we’ve been working towards all along, right? 


The use of herbs and essential oils are time-honored approaches to bolstering and strengthening the body and as natural, chemical-free ways to treat disease. Always keep in mind that herbs can trigger side effects and interact with supplements, medications, or other herbs. Herbs should be taken with care, under the supervision of a qualified herbalist or doctor well versed in the field of botanical medicine.

I am not a doctor and do not claim to be. I am a seeker of pure, healthful living. Always talk with your doctor or qualified health care professional before taking any herbal remedies to ensure safety, especially if you are already on medications. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of these statements are intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always consult with your medical practitioner or other qualified healthcare provider.

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I have a background in Real Estate and construction, giving me insight on business and financial health. I passionately pursue natural ways to support physical health with the help of natures medicine. Here I am sharing what I have learned and am continuing to learn about gentle ways to enhance your health along with tips to keep your finances healthy.

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