
I’m a big gratitude junkie. I think meditation is like a brain massage. I think play is a critical component to a balanced life and believe that taking things too seriously is a big no-no.

I have an intense curiosity about herbs and essential oils and food. I just want to know what each and every plant is good for and how to use them to enhance health and heal some ailments. I went to a psychic once who told me I was a medicine woman in a previous life. I wonder if it’s true. I really hope so!

I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition in my mid 30’s. That was a very confusing, depressing and extremely low time in my life. I was told I had scleroderma and I had no clue what that was. Well, I guess it can be pretty darn bad. I didn’t know if I’d get to see my kids graduate from middle school. Fortunately for me there are 2 kinds of the disease and I had the one that wasn’t systemic. The doctor’s did however put me on all sorts of medications that made me feel terrible. I could hardly function.

Because of my innate curiosity I started looking into herbs about that time. It really got me started on this journey and for that I am grateful. I learned how important it is to strive to lower stress in your life. I learned to use medicinal herbs to achieve my desired results without the side effects. I learned how meditation and gratitude can transform a life.

After a couple of years I tossed all the medication and started nurturing myself in a way that I didn’t know was even possible. Thinking for even a couple weeks that you’ve only got a couple years left changes you forever. All of my medicine woman ways have gifted me with a clean bill of health, and it was a fun journey, learning and applying the earths magic in my life.

I want to share what I have learned so far and continue sharing as I learn more and more.

I am not critical of the mainstream medical systems. There is certainly a need for qualified health care and I admire the dedication and knowledge that doctors and nurses bring to healthcare.  I do, however believe that there are sometimes better ways of caring for ourselves that don’t include a lot of pharmaceuticals. I aspire to keep an informed and neutral platform for everyone to jump from when searching for ways to enhance their health and wellbeing.

I guess I just want everyone who visits my site to take away a tidbit or two that will help them lighten up just a little and go softly into the beautiful world of natural health. I believe that the first steps are the most precious and I hope that your curiosity will lead you to a softer and healthier lifestyle too.